
I am 50 years old, a journalist and freelance writer by profession and a philosopher and mystic by avocation. Really. If you have any questions about any of that, feel free to e-mail me at darrylriser@gmail.com.

Many of you may have noticed I’ve been absent for quite some time. What began as my long, dark night of the soul, has ended in rebirth of a sort. Over the years, I have been a member of groups as AMORC, CR+C, the TMO and the OMCE. Each of these groups has taught me much and prepared me well. I consider these public manifestations of our tradition to be excellent gateways to the true path and will always have a fond place in my heart for them. I’m still a member of one public order, but that’s something I prefer to discuss one-on-one, so ask if you really want to know.

In addition to work with the traditional Orders, I’ve also ventured off to explore areas such as lucid dreaming and the use of binaural beats to alter consciousness. Thanks to GPS and satellite photography, I’m afraid the inner world of our own psyches is about the last place left for adventurers to explore.

I’m also very much into cryptography, alternate reality gaming and anything that makes me use my mind in unusual ways to solve a problem.

I’ve written several books, a few of which can be found at my Amazon store. If you see anything you like, please leave a review. If you have an idea for something you’d like to see, let me know that as well.

I live in northeast Louisiana with my wife and two cats and I have one daughter who I’m told is too much like me for her own good.

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